Many Vermonters are eligible to receive thousands of dollars from the government, but haven’t claimed their cash.
Tax Credits for Vermonters
The Vermont Child Tax Credit is $1,000 annually per child under six.
The Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) adjusts based on how much you earn and the number of kids you have.
But many families still struggle to meet their basic needs — expanding these credits would help.
What is a tax credit?
A tax credit is money that is taken off your total tax bill. It lowers the amount of taxes you pay.
If it’s refundable, like Vermont’s Child tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit, whatever is leftover is paid to you in a refund check. If you have no tax liability (do not owe taxes), you are eligible for the full value of the tax credit.
Do I qualify for the credits?
YES, you may qualify for the Vermont Child Tax Credit if:
• Your annual household income is $0-$175,000
• You have children under 6
YES, you may qualify for the Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit if:
• You earn money from a job
• You have low- to moderate-income
• You have children OR not
You don’t need a social security number or ITIN to receive these credits. If you qualify for the credits and you have lived in Vermont for six months and a day, you must paper file your state income taxes to receive your credits.
To do this you must complete a federal tax return (form 1040) (do not file it with the federal government) that you use to complete a state income tax return (form IN-111) along with the state “tax adjustments and credits” form (IN-112).
When you file your return:
— DO leave the “social security number” line blank. The Vermont Department of Taxes will assign you a tax identification number.
— DO submit the 1040, IN-111, and IN-112.
— DO submit proof of your income. This might be a w-2 or 1099. It is okay to submit these documents, even if they have an incorrect social security number or other tax identification number. But don’t put this number on the income tax return.
If you don’t have a W-2 or 1099, the Department of Taxes will accept other proof of income. Submit what you have, and the Department will reach out if they have questions.
Completing taxes is complicated. But the Community Action agency in your area might be able to help you complete a return for free. See the list below.
You may qualify for these credits even if you don’t owe the government any money in taxes! And even if you don’t have a social security number or ITIN! But you must file your taxes to receive your credits!
Earned Income Tax Credit Estimator
Use the calculator below to estimate your Federal and Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit.
*A child is under 19, under 24 and a full-time student, or any age and permanently and totally disabled.
Only filers with a social security number qualify for the federal EITC. However, starting in 2023 the Vermont EITC is available to all state residents, and does not require a social security number.
Get free help filing your taxes!
People making around $67,000 or less can be assisted by a VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program. Find the closest location to you and make an appointment.
The tax-filing deadline is mid-April, but people can file their taxes up to THREE YEARS after the deadline to receive these credits.
Find free tax assistance in Vermont
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
Call Rebecca Moyer at 802-527-7392, ext 107 -
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
Call 2-1-1 to schedule an appointment -
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
• Call Mark Demers at 802-388-2285 -
BROC Community Action
Call Dustyn at 802-665-1711 or 1-800-717-2762 -
Northeast Kingdom Community Action (NEKCA)
Call 855-663-5224 -
Capstone Community Action
Call 2-1-1 (Vermont area code phones only), or call 802-477-5148 -
Southeast Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)
Call 802-428-3032
File online for free
Don’t need assistance from a volunteer? You can also visit GetYourRefund.org or the United Way’s My Free Taxes to file your taxes with a trusted source online.
What will you need to file your taxes and claim your credit?
Picture ID
Last year’s tax return
Birthdates for all household members
Social security card or ITIN letter, if you have them.
Proof of your income that includes an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This could be a W-2 or 1099 document, periodic pay statements, check stubs, or a letter from your employer that includes the business name, dates of employment, gross amount of wages paid, and withholdings deducted.
Proof of address so you can receive your credits. This could a piece of mail or your W-2.
If you are married and filing your taxes together, you both must sign the return.
(Check with the VITA program or your tax preparer about other items you might need.)